Muu ~ My Snow Helper and Entertainer


Snow, snow and more snow! The excitement of moving to the mountains where there were four real seasons was still running through me as the first heavy snowfall began. I was prepared. I had ordered good snow boots that would keep my feet warm and dry. Gloves & hat were on hand and I had stopped by the hardware store and bought two snow shovels. One with an ergonomic handle. One of the best investments I had ever made.

Muu and I had enjoyed the few light snowfalls so far, but this one… this one would require shoveling. Four inches of wet snow. This was work. On the fourth morning in a row as much as the excitement was still present the body was screaming for a break. The muscles that had never been used in this way needed some rest.

Muu the ever ready helper enjoyed the new white stuff. He decided his job was to keep me entertained while the shoveling took place. Pouncing, digging and pretending to stalk the falling snow. Only to be surprised and jumped with spring legs when a heavy drift of snow fell from a tree branch he’d been sitting under.


Then he decided to play bat the snow. As the snow left the shovel sailing towards its landing to the side of the drive it would break up into little golf ball size pieces. He started to bat at them and often made contact. His skill was outstanding.

Muu was an ever faithful snow buddy. There at the ready to assist with fine entertainment when it came time to shovel snow.

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